Space Mechanic Simulator Developer Insights #57

Hello Space Mechanics!

Welcome to the next Space Mechanic Simulator Developer Insights from the last weeks are here!

The past weeks passed with getting ready for the Playtests of our prologue. We have meticulously checked all prologue maps to eliminate all found bugs.

We’ve updated the dialogs, and added new missing voice-overs. We implemented new improved translations and added some small tweaks to the UI.

Furthermore, we’d like to thank everyone once more for supporting us and sharing your feedback on our forums, social networks. Remember that all the videos, screenshots shown above are from a WIP build, they don’t reflect the final version of the game.

Once again, we strongly encourage you to sign up for our upcoming Playtests and help us create the best Space Mechanic Simulator. Sign-ups are still open.



That is it for today.
See you next time!