Greetings, Space Mechanics!
AstrOpticon Corporation is looking for qualified specialists needed to meticulously Playtest the upcoming Space Mechanic Simulator – Prologue. If you have the right skills and are willing to undergo routine training. We invite you to apply! Our priority through Playtesting is to refine all systems and make the final game even better. Your feedback will be crucial to the success of this mission.
Participation Eligibility
We will be inviting a limited group of players into Playtests. Please hurry up and sign fast for testing on the game Steam store page.
Your voice matters and we want to hear your feedback. Please share it on our Steam game forum.
You can also share your feedback with us at We will be starting a discord server soon, so stay tuned.
This Closed Playtests will not be under NDA or confidential. You are free to discuss openly and create content about any gameplay experiences you have during this event. Remember, this is not the final version of the game – it will definitely be better in the future.
Whether it’s fan art, broadcasts, guides, screenshots, or video content, we can’t wait to see what the community makes! Follow us on Social Media @Atomic_Jelly and use #SMSTEST for a chance to have your creations shared on our official channels.
If you experience any technical issues accessing or playing Space Mechanic Simulator – Prologue Playtest, please visit our Steam, Forums where our team is ready to help troubleshoot any issues you encounter.
The moment we are ready to give you access, you will receive notifications on Steam. If not, please visit the game’s Steam page, where you will find the following information.
Feel free to sign up!
Atomic Jelly Team