Hello Space Mechanics!
Welcome to the next Space Mechanic Simulator Developer Insights. It’s been a long time since entries appeared. And everything was due to the fact that we were working hard on the release of the prologue.
Just because the Prologue is already here doesn’t mean we won’t still patch it with the problems you report and further improvements. Two updates have already appeared, a third is on the way. We want to thank you for the good reception and constructive criticism, so that we can lean on some elements.
It was fun!
All things considered, the development of Space Mechanic Simulator: Prologue was a fun experience for us. But this is just the beginning because the prologue will be followed by the full version! We hope you like what you’ve seen so far. Space Mechanic Simulator is still in development and will bring more features, more sandbox styled gameplay and more stuff to fix.
This is not the end as our lead developer would like to give you a few words from himself 🙂
Furthermore, we’d like to thank everyone once more for supporting us and sharing your feedback on our forums, social networks. Remember that all the videos, screenshots shown above are from a WIP build, they don’t reflect the final version of the game.
Play the Prologue for FREE
As always, we encourage you to actively comment and share your ideas with us. Remember that all the screenshots shown above are from a WIP build, they don’t reflect the final version of the game.
Thank you for your support!
Atomic Jelly