Hello, Space Mechanics!
Space Mechanic Simulator: Prologue Playtests have ended. Thank you very much for your participation and especially for your valuable feedback. We will use it to polish our game. The team is very happy that you like our work in its current state. We have taken your submissions to heart and will try to create the game in such a way that it meets your expectations to an even greater extent.
All that remains is to announce its release! The release date of Space Mechanic Simulator: Prologue is set for January 30th, 2023
Space Mechanic Simulator: Prologue is an introduction to the world of space mechanics, where you will master the basics of your profession. You’ll learn how to make quick decisions, manage resources, and use high-tech tools provided by AstrOpticon Corporation to help locate and fix almost any malfunction.
As we announced, the Prologue will include additional missions that did not appear during the playtests.
Don’t miss your chance to play the Prologue! Add it to your wishlist!
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Atomic Jelly Team